Ebony Mist Upright Double Memorial


What a stunner! This Ebony Mist granite memorial is classy and timeless! In this beautiful design the shared last name would go in the long rectangle at the top and the individual names and dates would go in the smaller rectangles down below. There is room to add optional wedding rings or other small image between the individual names if you like.

You may optionally add text on the back of this monument and/or flower pots. Please see the links to add those items down below.

The price includes installation in most cemeteries within 90 miles of Springdale, AR. We will contact you if your cemetery has any rules, regulations or requirements that result in additional charges.

  • To view this memorial’s dimensions keep scrolling
  • To request we work with you on the design prior to finalizing your order, please follow this link and a member of our team will contact you.
  • To purchase this memorial complete the form below and “add to cart” to continue your purchase. A member of our team will contact you to begin working on the design.
  • To have a member of our team contact you with additional information about this memorial follow this link to request contact

*Please note that, in the photo the tablet is sitting on plastic “chips”. That is so we can easily move the tablet here at our shop. The tablet is actually attached to the base when we install it in the cemetery for you.

1 in stock

SKU: EM-D400820P5 Category:

Additional information

Tablet (Top)

Tablet measures 4' long x 8" thick x 2' tall. It is polished on all 5 sides of the tablet.


Base measures 6' long x 1'2 wide x 8" thick. It is polished on the top and rocky along the sides.