Bevel Markers

Bevel markers may also be commonly known as “pillow” markers. They are installed completely above ground and stand a little taller in the back and bevel down in the front. This makes them easier to spot and read in the cemetery.
The general rule of thumb is that the bevel markers are 6″ thick in the back and bevel down to approximately 4″ thick in the front.

When you measure a bevel marker, you express the dimensions in
length x width x height in feet-inches
For example:
If a marker is 24″ long x 12″ wide x 6″ tall at it’s tallest point, it would be expressed as:
Flat Markers
Flat markers are measured and expressed the exact same way as bevel markers. The only difference is that flat markers are the same height all the way around.
They are expressed in:
length x width x height in feet-inches
For example:
If a marker is 24″ long x 12″ wide x 4″ tall at it’s tallest point, it would be expressed as: